Friday, 30 May 2008

Blondes have more fun

I've had a nice time back in Newcastle. Exams are done, essays are submitted. I found out I'll get 2.1 degree classification (based on my grades, not official yet). Had a few drinks here and then, celebrated the Eurovision. Had a lovely time at work with all the cool people there. GM, ääliöt, managed to anger me again but that is their only talent so let them do their thing whilst I do mine. Out of the country, out of my mind is my policy.

Everyone has been quite surprised by my blondeness. First time people have asked me why I dyed my hair, I find that funny. So far I've had a really good time as a blonde though occasionally I glance at brunettes and wish I still was one. But I'll stick by my choice of colour for the summer and then in the autumn will return to my natural state of browness.

I'm going to Turku tomorrow to check out the river boats and hang out with friends in the supposedly nice and warm weather. And I'm having sushi tomorrow with Suvi. Haven't had sushi in ages, I miss it dearly!

I'm uploading pics from the Eurovision night when I get back, until then, näkemiin!

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