Saturday 24 January 2009

Resolute and serious

I have come to the conclusion that I will never get married.

On an unrelated note, I now have a new laptop. Love it. Way prettier than expected. Though it was full of these silly games that I immediately went on to remove. Not the usual solitaire ones but crappy ones like Chicken MAtch 3 and Agatha Christie's Murder on the Nile, what ever these may be they are now out.

I'm so bloody serious. No sense of humour. Like Obama.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Life without laptop

Surely it comes as no surprise to anyone that I am addicted to computers/internet. So having lived the past two weeks without one at home has been life-changing. As a consequence I've discovered some lovely parts of Maastricht, read all the books I brought with me and spent a lot of time at the library. As it turns out, without my laptop to distract me I only have books and the TV to entertain me at home and since my flatmate also wants to watch TV, it is quite often out of the question. So I've been hanging out with Kali a lot (admittedly I do that anyway but now we can't have our catch-up sessions on skype) and generally avoiding home.

We have a rather stupid course at the moment where we have to do a paper and submit a research proposal for our thesis. The weird part is that the essay is 100% of our grade whilst the research proposal is only pass/fail yet it actually takes more time and in the long run is more important... And having to work on both of them only at the library isn't going too well. I hate studying here and writing is practically an impossibility since the keyboards here suck.

Which is why it is a very good thing my mom is coming on Saturday to bring me a new one which will enable me to work from home. I also seem to have contracted bronchitis so I shouldn't really be at the library at the moment but staying at home is not really a tempting option either.

Since this turned out to be one of those "I'm not too keen on studying"-posts once again, I should also point out that I got an 8 from the last course, the one for which I only revised a day. I'm just so damn smart that studying is just pointless. ;)

Thursday 15 January 2009

Back in Maas

Feels like I've been back for ages when in fact it has only been two weeks. But so far it has been really nice to catch up with all my darling friends and the parties have been abundant. So much so that I have actually relished the few nights of non-events.

Also the 15 bottles of alcohol that I brought with me are almost gone. Not that I drank all of them myself - I have been a very good friend and have promoted Finnish alcohol to the extent that I have converted quite a few. Minttuviina (mint vodka) remains a crowd pleaser but also new favourites such as kissanminttu (mint & chocolate liquer) and raspberry cider have emerged.

In February when Maastricht goes crazy over carneval me and Kali are going to Finland. Not to draw any links with the alcohol but since our previous plans fell through we have now decided on that. We'll go on a cruise and then make a little trip to see Suvi in Tartu. So much fun to be had.

My mom will be coming to visit me next weekend, an event sparked by the fact that my laptop broke and she will bring me a new one. I can't buy a new one here in the Netherlands as I need a Finnish keyboard. Not that I write in Finnish a lot but since my lastname involves these lovely letters (which I can't now write because I'm using library computer) it would be a bit of a hassle.

Without my laptop I feel isolated from the world and need to keep myself occupied all the time because going home would be useless as I have nothing to do there except sleep. Sigh.