I've had a nice time back in Newcastle. Exams are done, essays are submitted. I found out I'll get 2.1 degree classification (based on my grades, not official yet). Had a few drinks here and then, celebrated the Eurovision. Had a lovely time at work with all the cool people there. GM, ääliöt, managed to anger me again but that is their only talent so let them do their thing whilst I do mine. Out of the country, out of my mind is my policy.
Everyone has been quite surprised by my blondeness. First time people have asked me why I dyed my hair, I find that funny. So far I've had a really good time as a blonde though occasionally I glance at brunettes and wish I still was one. But I'll stick by my choice of colour for the summer and then in the autumn will return to my natural state of browness.
I'm going to Turku tomorrow to check out the river boats and hang out with friends in the supposedly nice and warm weather. And I'm having sushi tomorrow with Suvi. Haven't had sushi in ages, I miss it dearly!
I'm uploading pics from the Eurovision night when I get back, until then, näkemiin!
Friday, 30 May 2008
Sunday, 25 May 2008
The Night
Eurovision is over for one year. Russia won. I think it was a good final though to be honest, I didn't really hear much of the songs because there were so many people there that it got kind of noisy. Israel was therefore the best because he was the nicest one to just look at.
There ended up being four Finnish people at the Hancock so we shouted for Finland in a way that would make Teräsbetoni proud and my parents ashamed. The place seemed invaded by Norwegians who supported their country with due enthusiasm. But it was cool, a very good atmosphere. Even Jenny enjoyed the night and she really doesn't like Eurovision.
After the Eurovision we continued to Madison's to invade their dancefloor. I have no idea where most of the people disappeared, at one point there was a huge crowd of us going there and the next thing I know is that there's only 8 or 10 of us. But yeah, I suppose you could say that I wasn't as observant as I normally might have been. To end an excellent night Jenny and I got a taxi that had party lights that lit up to the music so the party continued in the taxi.
All in all an excellent night to rival the infamous 2006 Eurovision night, even though Finland didn't win this time. Next year I'm going to Moscow if it is in any way possible.
I would attach pictures but I left the usb-cord in Finland so they'll be added at a later date.
There ended up being four Finnish people at the Hancock so we shouted for Finland in a way that would make Teräsbetoni proud and my parents ashamed. The place seemed invaded by Norwegians who supported their country with due enthusiasm. But it was cool, a very good atmosphere. Even Jenny enjoyed the night and she really doesn't like Eurovision.
After the Eurovision we continued to Madison's to invade their dancefloor. I have no idea where most of the people disappeared, at one point there was a huge crowd of us going there and the next thing I know is that there's only 8 or 10 of us. But yeah, I suppose you could say that I wasn't as observant as I normally might have been. To end an excellent night Jenny and I got a taxi that had party lights that lit up to the music so the party continued in the taxi.
All in all an excellent night to rival the infamous 2006 Eurovision night, even though Finland didn't win this time. Next year I'm going to Moscow if it is in any way possible.
I would attach pictures but I left the usb-cord in Finland so they'll be added at a later date.
Friday, 23 May 2008
I'm a geek. That should be no surprise to anyone. I like the EU to an extent that is just uncool. Same with Eurovision. I've also proclaimed my love for math quizzes several times. But today it really hit me. I read Paula's quotes section, which is quite extensive, on her facebook page (yes, tick another box for geekiness about my facebook stalking) and the joke I laughed out loud was the following:
'There are 10 types of people; those who understand binary, and those who don't'
No wonder I get along with engineers, I'm like one of them, just without the natural sciences and engineering bit.
Today I finished my degree in Newcastle, I've now officially done all the coursework and exams. The exam on Traditional East Asian Political Thought was actually really good. It's always a good sign when you read the exam questions and your reaction is a big smile on your face. Not that I did particularly good but considering I know very little about the topic, I did better than I expected of myself. So yey!
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Bucks Fizz
I went to see Grant Management at their Newcastle office, explained everything and the following conversation followed:
'It's been going on for a month?!'
'You've sent us letters and nobody has contacted you?'
'This should not have happened'
So somebody will call me "today". There's still 1h 15min of office time left but I'm doubtful. "Today" and "tomorrow" are meaningless terms for them.
So as always, I was so over the whole GM thing that I decided to comfort myself with a bit of comfort food. I've got a nice lemon tarte for the Eurovision semi-finals tonight and even bought some salmon, to remind me of a promised land called Finland. ;)
I just checked the BBC website for Eurovision news and the woman announcing the UK votes seems like a proper idiot. She said that with so many Eastern countries in the competition, there's no way the UK will win. But I mean how can they expect to win when the songs they send are crap?? I mean this year with Andy isn't as bad as last year with Flying the flag thing or the previous year with Daz Sampson but still, it will hardly stand out? It's such a stupid thing to say. When you don't send good songs, you don't get good results. Eastern countries care about the Eurovision, it's a big thing for them and so the songs they send are actually by popular artists. I'm sure if Sugababes or Leona Lewis would enter they would win. I'm so frustrated by this whole argument. Finland won, we're hardly Eastern? Or even if we are, we've been entering the competition since 1961 and won for the first time in 2006. It was hardly because of our neighbours who've been participating for a long time as well (excluding the obvious). To win it you just need a good song that the eurovision people will like.
But in preparation for the big final night I bought some alcoholic goodies, including pink sparkling wine. I even saw a bottle of Bucks Fizz which made me smile and I would've bought it but Jenny's allergic to citrus fruits. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you're not a true Eurovision fan.
'It's been going on for a month?!'
'You've sent us letters and nobody has contacted you?'
'This should not have happened'
So somebody will call me "today". There's still 1h 15min of office time left but I'm doubtful. "Today" and "tomorrow" are meaningless terms for them.
So as always, I was so over the whole GM thing that I decided to comfort myself with a bit of comfort food. I've got a nice lemon tarte for the Eurovision semi-finals tonight and even bought some salmon, to remind me of a promised land called Finland. ;)
I just checked the BBC website for Eurovision news and the woman announcing the UK votes seems like a proper idiot. She said that with so many Eastern countries in the competition, there's no way the UK will win. But I mean how can they expect to win when the songs they send are crap?? I mean this year with Andy isn't as bad as last year with Flying the flag thing or the previous year with Daz Sampson but still, it will hardly stand out? It's such a stupid thing to say. When you don't send good songs, you don't get good results. Eastern countries care about the Eurovision, it's a big thing for them and so the songs they send are actually by popular artists. I'm sure if Sugababes or Leona Lewis would enter they would win. I'm so frustrated by this whole argument. Finland won, we're hardly Eastern? Or even if we are, we've been entering the competition since 1961 and won for the first time in 2006. It was hardly because of our neighbours who've been participating for a long time as well (excluding the obvious). To win it you just need a good song that the eurovision people will like.
But in preparation for the big final night I bought some alcoholic goodies, including pink sparkling wine. I even saw a bottle of Bucks Fizz which made me smile and I would've bought it but Jenny's allergic to citrus fruits. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you're not a true Eurovision fan.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Where's Wally?
Apparently my travelling is confusing people so just to clarify, I returned to Newcastle today. My room still hasn't been fixed so it's as wonderful as ever. But went to the cinema today to see Charlie Bartlett (or something along those lines) and I remembered how nice the people at work are so at least I'm happy to return in that respect.
Also, Eurovision final night is soon upon us. As Finland got through I am only left to hope Bulgaria will as well so that I can go all crazy on the night. But seriously people have not realised what a wonderful song the Israel eurovision entry is this year! And take a look at the guy! Ahh.. I went to Jenny's place today and Paula asked me about Eurovision. I got so excited I was nearly hyperventilating there, so if you don't want to hear everything about Eurovision don't even start. I can pretty much sing most of the songs or at least their chorus and will be doing so at the party. Yeyyyy!
Also, Eurovision final night is soon upon us. As Finland got through I am only left to hope Bulgaria will as well so that I can go all crazy on the night. But seriously people have not realised what a wonderful song the Israel eurovision entry is this year! And take a look at the guy! Ahh.. I went to Jenny's place today and Paula asked me about Eurovision. I got so excited I was nearly hyperventilating there, so if you don't want to hear everything about Eurovision don't even start. I can pretty much sing most of the songs or at least their chorus and will be doing so at the party. Yeyyyy!
Monday, 19 May 2008
Home Sweet Home
So on my time off in Finland I've been busy seeing friends, eating and visiting friends. I went to Turku for the weekend to spend some quality time with Outi and had a nice time there again. And when back in Lohja I've been spending time with Minna and then Riikka and Laura. Good times. And when I'm not entertaining I'm playing Heroes on my computer, very geeky.
Also, I'm blonde now.
The picture is actually taken from the plane on my way home. It's the Netherlands. I think it's cool how you can see the slight curve of the earth and the darker shades of blue the higher up you go. I used to love flying but now it's getting a bit boring on occasions because I fly quite a lot these days. But still drooling over the fact that I get to fly on a Boeing 747 when we go to Florida, that's a childhood dream come true. I think being a politician/president only came in to the picture when I realised I couldn't be a pilot or a flight attendant because I wear glasses. ;)
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Summer is upon us

Today we had our last lecture in the EU simulation. I will miss it. I have been representing Bulgaria for so long that I will most likely find it difficult to get out of character. But seriously, I have come to love Bulgaria. I will go there soon and proclaim my love for the country and everybody will be like "what??".
I'm going to Finland tomorrow for that chilling period. I really need that, had another encounter with the idiots from Grant Management today. But apparently the piece published on the Courier about our problems was quite big so hopefully all those who read it will realise to boycott the wankers.
I walked around Newcastle today and yesterday in a slightly nostalgic move, hence the touristy picture from Grey Street. But it's been such nice weather that the sun is making even me appreciate this damned city. Almost as bright as the sun are my nails, I love the psychedelically yellow nails.
But this is it, my university career is close to finishing. Only one essay and one exam to do and I'm done. For now that is, I presume if I do that PhD I'll still have many years of student bliss ahead of me...
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
A year off
Today the health inspector was meant to come in. I waited for 40 minutes, then rang their office to ask is somebody coming and they reply that they don't know because it's not on their records but they'll give me a ring. Then a guy calls about it, saying he had a "meeting" that went on longer than expected so he won't make it. And it only occured to let me know when I start calling about it? Clearly the guy just completely forgot about the whole thing! So he's coming again tomorrow. Now the Post Office added to the fun by messing up the recorded delivery that had the letter to Grant Management. The tracking online just keeps saying system error or something genius like that. I'm jinxed, nothing has gone right with companies in Britain this year, nothing.
All this shit that has been going on since January to be honest has made me an extremely unpleasant person and I apologise for that. I know I've been cranky at times and I've tried to control it but still, it hasn't been nice around me recently.
So I'm taking some time off. I'm planning to go to Finland on Friday if I manage to get rid off my shifts at work and relax there for a while. Obviously I'm coming back to Newcastle for my exam and therefore also for the Eurovision party, and for a week in June and then in the beginning of July. But other than that, won't be coming back to Newcastle ever again.
I got an offer for study for the MA at Exeter today but I'm not going there anymore. I think I might actually take the whole year off. Work at some job in Lohja to make some money and then just travel. I didn't apply for the right places this year so maybe it's a good thing I get a chance to reconsider where I want to go. The only place in Britain where I could consider going is Cambridge so I might apply there for a PhD next year. Or maybe the US? Perhaps I should also finally get a grip and learn French so I could go to College of Europe. The benefits of taking a year off just seem to add up.
So, anybody interested in touring the Middle-East or South-America with me? Or willing to offer me a place to stay and a job in France?
UPDATE: The flights are booked and I'm off to Finland on 9/5-21/5.
All this shit that has been going on since January to be honest has made me an extremely unpleasant person and I apologise for that. I know I've been cranky at times and I've tried to control it but still, it hasn't been nice around me recently.
So I'm taking some time off. I'm planning to go to Finland on Friday if I manage to get rid off my shifts at work and relax there for a while. Obviously I'm coming back to Newcastle for my exam and therefore also for the Eurovision party, and for a week in June and then in the beginning of July. But other than that, won't be coming back to Newcastle ever again.
I got an offer for study for the MA at Exeter today but I'm not going there anymore. I think I might actually take the whole year off. Work at some job in Lohja to make some money and then just travel. I didn't apply for the right places this year so maybe it's a good thing I get a chance to reconsider where I want to go. The only place in Britain where I could consider going is Cambridge so I might apply there for a PhD next year. Or maybe the US? Perhaps I should also finally get a grip and learn French so I could go to College of Europe. The benefits of taking a year off just seem to add up.
So, anybody interested in touring the Middle-East or South-America with me? Or willing to offer me a place to stay and a job in France?
UPDATE: The flights are booked and I'm off to Finland on 9/5-21/5.
Monday, 5 May 2008
If only...
I was browsing through job adverts through this Finnish site because I just feel like trailing off for one year. If I would have the money, I would just spend the year travelling. I could just get crappy jobs and pay my way but I think it wouldn't necessarily look good on my CV. Just travelling on the other hand would be like the Grand Tour except instead of touring around Europe, I'd go to South America.
I've also looked into just jobs I could do. Sadly enough the ones I found interesting were in wonderful places but the job itself sucked, namely au pair. I would love to go to Qatar or Mozambique and just chill for a year but I don't think au pairing is the right way. I hate kids, don't understand them one bit so I doubt they'd want me. Plus they usually require some driving and I hate driving. Also they require some sort of cooking and I struggle to feed myself, let alone some snotty little kids. So tempting as it was, I decided not to send my CV.
If only you could just do what you want... Why can't somebody just call and say they desperately need me to assist setting up the EU embassy in Trinidad & Tobago?
I've also looked into just jobs I could do. Sadly enough the ones I found interesting were in wonderful places but the job itself sucked, namely au pair. I would love to go to Qatar or Mozambique and just chill for a year but I don't think au pairing is the right way. I hate kids, don't understand them one bit so I doubt they'd want me. Plus they usually require some driving and I hate driving. Also they require some sort of cooking and I struggle to feed myself, let alone some snotty little kids. So tempting as it was, I decided not to send my CV.
If only you could just do what you want... Why can't somebody just call and say they desperately need me to assist setting up the EU embassy in Trinidad & Tobago?

Right, the entries haven't been that cheerful lately so on a positive note, only about 1.5 months before Jenny and me go to Florida! It's going to be shopping frenzy, courtesy of the cheap dollar. Bit of economics for y'all, euro strong, dollar low = more dollars with my euros -> more stuff to buy! Now isn't it great I went to university to learn that. ;)
Picture is from Venezuela by the way but I thought palm trees and the sea will make everyone's day a happier one.
Friday, 2 May 2008
This would not happen in Finland

I know us foreigners tend to have an idolised image of our countries when we're living abroad. But this isn't just some random rant about them taking too long to deliver the mail. I have now had a leaking ceiling for 5 days. I have called my landlord about 6 times about it, sent them an official complaint by mail and also contacted the contractor meant to come and fix it about 4 times as well. Still, nothing. Nothing has been done. Nobody has come to see it. When I speak to Grant Management about it, they assume somebody will come and put a new rooftile in and assume that is it. But the plaster's peeling off from the leaking point, the damp is spreading through the wall, it's pretty serious.
In Finland, I would not be allowed to live in this place. Here they expect me to pay full rent for it.
I'm sleeping on our livingroom sofa and today intend to move all my stuff down here as well. I've lost all hope in Grant Management being reasonable about it so I now called the Environmental Health Department and hopefully somebody will come and see the place soon so that they will force Grant Management to act on it.
But thanks to this episode, I intend to leave this country as soon as possible. Meaning, I won't stay here to do my Masters. I'd rather live anywhere else than here. It's not just Newcastle, it's the people's mentality when I phone them. On the outside they're being really polite and nice but then nothing gets done. When I get angry for nothing done, they treat me as if I'm being unreasonable! I'm sick of this. I just want to go home
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