Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Right, I decided I wasn't going to wait for people to suggest me themes. Instead I picked a random country, thanks to the spin the globe website I picked a country and then googled their food and recipes and I got my menu. It's my turn to cook on Thursday and Friday and the menu is as follows:

Nepalese momos (meat dumplings)
Micronesian chicken

Macedonian chorbur soup
Irish beef in Guinness

So I'm doing a starter and a main course. I have no idea how this will turn out but if I manage to make them and they're edible, I will do this every week.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, siistii! Kuulostaa tosi mielenkiintoselta! Tsemppiä kokkailuun, raportoi sitten miten onnistuit. :)
