Sunday, 22 February 2009

Blast from the past

Of course I had to jinx it. As if I was ever going to have a smooth trip home when I said out loud that hope nothing happens. I ended up stranded at Köln's railwaystation, stuck in the train not knowing what was going on. By some weird chance there was a Finnish family sitting next to me on the train, on their way to the same flight so thankfully I got a taxi with them to the airport. I would have not figured out that there was some fire in the tracks ahead of us, preventing the train from continuing or even if I would've, I still would have had to pay the 95 euros it took from Köln to Düsseldorf airport with a taxi. Insanely good luck considering the circumstances but I would sometime like to experience travelling without any malfunction during any leg of the journey, is that too much to ask?

Also I had to jinx it with this other thing as well. I was just talking to Kali about obsessive exes and used my first boyfriend as an example and how he'd still tried to contact me last year. And of course today he tries to befriend me on facebook and even dares to send a message on fb that it's been such a long time that I can't be upset with him. So I replied that it has indeed been a long time but I still recall you being a nutcase so perhaps just give up trying to contact me ever, argh. Oh how I wish I could full-out rant about his crazy ways but lets just leave it at this. Also I was a total bitch with him but I guess some people never learn.

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