Saturday, 6 September 2008

Spinning around

I suppose hangover days are always a bad time to reflect on life and then post them online but here I am going against my own good advice. I just looked at one of my friends' list of friends on facebook and he has doubled the amount in a year. I remember this because we started in pretty similar figures, but I've only increased mine by 50%. So now I feel like I should've gotten to know more people but on the other hand I feel like I can't even manage the current figures. I've got so many nice friends that I should keep in touch with but still I find it goes months on occasions before we meet or even converse. There's nothing really to be done, we've all got out respective lives across the world but take this is a shout-out to all my lovely peeps. If only I could some day get them all into one city and we could meet up for drinks whenever we want without having to set dates months in advance.

On a more current note, yesterday I had Kalina, Anna, Deborah and Per over at my place and it was really nice. Such a nice group of people. We even managed to talk about Bulgarian politics and I got them to drink some Koskenkorva Mint vodka which was a definate crowd pleaser. Now I've got the washing up waiting for me at home...

I've also got some pets. Our balcony (that you can't use because of some damp problems or something) is the home for two pidgeons. I don't know whether they've got some mating ritual or turf wars going on there but they sure do bite each other and wave their wings a lot. Sometimes they throw each other down from the whatever airconditioning pipes and boxes that are there and you hear a loud thump.

But yeah, my life here in Maastricht has started without much drama. I kinda miss having a big culture shock, I get more irritated by the small complications here because I think they are so small that they shouldn't matter but they still do but if I would be just thrown into something completely different at least I'd be justified to be annoyed. If you get what I mean.

Off to studying now. If the world stops spinning that is.

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