Lately I've been questioned about my nationality quite a bit. Part of it is due because I started work where there are actual British people who can spot a fake British accent like mine instantly but also some very random occurances. Most amusing and odd was the taxi driver on my way to the airport (granted it was like 6am and dark) and he asked whether I was Chinese. Then the other night another taxi driver asked whether I was American. When I was out with the people from my work, one of them asked whether I was Polish. Most scary was the one that happened today though. I was just walking down to Co-op and this Geordie man, aged around 40 with a really raspy voice approaches me and starts asking me whether I think the people here are ugly.I then matter something intellectual like "I dunno" and try to walk faster but then he starts questioning where I'm from and the first guess is Sweden, then Denmark and then Austria. Which are pretty good guesses considering I had only said around 3 words so he had only my appearance to judge on.

But that aside, one cool thing to happen today was that I got the chance to talk to Triin online! And that is exiting because the girl was in Peru, in some oasis in the middle of the desert and online! Imagine that. Got to love modern technology. She hasn't seen any llamas yet but promised to bring me one as soon she sees one. I really want that llama. And when I spoke to my dad and told that Triin is in Peru, the first thing he asked was whether she's seen any llamas. So see, it is important for Triin to spot that llama asap.
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