Wednesday, 23 December 2009

On Christmas

Perhaps not in the proper holiday spirit but I'm all about keeping it real so here's:

Top 4 reasons why I dislike Christmas
  1. Obsessing over cleaning. Now I don't enjoy cleaning anyway but particularly over Christmas my sister gets obsessed about it. In what I consider to be a perfectly clean and tidy house, she feels the urge to clean. Fine if she would do it herself but noooo, she expects everyone to participate.
  2. Too much food. I don't get it why we need to stuff ourselves on Christmas. My family buys food like there would be eight of us eating when there's only three, possibly four. I go to the shop with them and tell them to stop buying stuff but then they get angry at me for spoiling their fun.
  3. Complicated family relations. People not getting along, awkward new family relations, who should go where. It's complicated enough as it is without the whole holiday-who-visits-who-at-what-time hassle.
  4. Presents. Now I bought mine over the autumn, when I saw something I knew someone would like, I bought it. So by the time I was going home, I had everyone's presents all wrapped up and everything. Then I come here and all people talk about is how they haven't bought any yet, how they don't know what to buy and the ones they bought they feel aren't sufficient.
None of this is making me feel particularly festive. In fact, I think next year it'll be me alone on a tropical island.

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