Saturday, 12 December 2009

Home is where my luggage is

Tomorrow Finland is once again calling me. At 10.45am I will start my journey towards Lohja and if all goes according to plans, I will be back home around 1am (GTM +2).

Why does it take me 12 hours to get from Cardiff to Lohja you may ask. It's because I'm taking a bus to Heathrow. These buses are notorious for breaking down so I'm leaving myself around four hours extra to make it to the airport. But even if that were to happen, Heathrow is not my favourite airport and I'm sure my flight will be delayed even though I'm flying with British Airways. In addition to this, I don't know whether the whole luggage-handling strike has been sorted out in Helsinki so might well be that it will take me longer.

I just needed to write down all the things I can think of that can go wrong, just because I like saying "I told you so."

In the meanwhile, things here in Cardiff are good. I managed to finish everything in time so I'm now up to date with my school deadlines. Even got a brilliant idea for a magazine I could pitch next term. I might ask your opinion on in Facebook sometime over the holidays so I would love it if you could contribute.

I've also got my luggage full of presents. So much so that I had to literally stuff the few clothes I'm taking and I'm not sure how am I going to fit my toiletries and make-up with me as well. Damn stupid liquid rules for carry-on luggage!

This time around going on holidays is a bit different. I've got no goodbyes to say to anyone, we'll all be back in a few weeks time. And I'm also only going for a few weeks instead of the month I'm usually away.

Going back is extra fun this time as I get to see all my Lohja-peeps: Minna, Jenna, Riikka, Anne and Laura. Laura has turned 18, Anne will come back from her Erasmus, Riikka from Sweden and Jenna has graduated. It's all pretty momentous. We've already planned a big pile-up.

In case I don't find the time to update this space, I wish you all a merry Christmas and see you next year! I'll be coming back to Cardiff on the 29th, assuming the BA strike doesn't affect my flights...


  1. Due to liquid rule which I agree is stupid I use to keep two sets of cosmetics so I dont have to carry them around every time I go to Poland.

  2. Lensin just eilen ekaa kertaa vitosterminaaliin heathrowlla ja se oli kyllä kiva! :D (oon outo, tykkään lentokentistä).
