Saturday 26 September 2009

Back to school

I have now finished my first week at uni. Whilst all my fellow postgrad friends have had a leisurely week with one or two induction lectures, we've been put to work from day one. I still can't quite get my head around at how cool the course is. In media law we're looking at cases that celebrities have filed against papers, in online journalism we're meant to have a blog and be on twitter and actual production of magazines is about everything that goes into making a magazine. I did quit shorthand, it was taking too much time. I have such a different starting point to the others that any free time I have is spent on learning about the media environment in the UK. Whilst the rest are informed as to who's publishing what and who edits this and that, I'm completely in the dark. So I'm taking the time to understand the symmetries and synergies in the industry.

What I love about is that whilst it is time-consuming, it doesn't feel like work. It is what I might do anyway, only now I'm about to make it my profession. And alluding to that, I have decided to devote this space purely for my friends and personal endevours and have created a more professional blog at wordpress. It is a blog about how I think the EU is represented in the UK. Mainly I think I will focus on how the EU appears in the news but occasionally I'm sure I'll draw upon the numerous encounters that show how little British people care about the EU. It combines my passion for the UK-EU relationship but at the same time should show that I'm aware of what goes on in the media.

I have met so many nice people here so every night I have happily spent having fun with them. Like previously mentioned, my flatmates are adorable. Also the Greek diaspora here in Cardiff seems absolutely wonderful, I think I will be able to carry on a conversation in Greek by the end of this year. All in all, we're a lovely international bunch. I do however have some British friends through my course but I'm definately a rarity. Most of the internationals rarely get any interaction with British people, they like to put us into different houses and even the courses seem to be divided in terms of nationality.

I have three different projects needing completion so I think I should finish updating all of you and get to work.

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