I had my sister, Anne, Riikka and Jenna visiting me for a week, the latter three being semi-sisters. Being reunited after months of separation in a new city (well, new to most of them, obviously not me or Minna who had visited me before) was a blast. We did pretty much all the touristy things you can do in Maastricht which included walking around town, taking pictures next to random statues, eating waffles, drinking beer and even taking the tourist bus that looks like a train. We were even filmed, Greenpeace wanted us to "turn the Earth". Thankfully the weather was amazing throughout their stay so they all had a really good impression on Maastricht (methinks).
Still no news from Cardiff so keep your fingers crossed. So far all my plans depend on me getting in there, if not then I'm pretty much clueless as to what I will do. Most likely take a gap year, go somewhere remote and do something to get me by until it's time to re-apply.
Otherwise plans for this week include catching up with people and making most of the few days of sunshine that are still to come. Then on Saturday me and bunch of other Maasies are heading up to Bruges to attend a sports day for all the Master European Studies people across Europe. And as you might have guessed, I'm not attending any of the sports. I'm the head of the cheerleaders.
Lovely! Wish I could still be there with you, eating waffles! :P