Wednesday, 18 November 2009

The ex that keeps on coming back

I don't remember when I first became interested in the EU. Must have been when I was 15 and took part in an economics competition in my school (which I won, might I add) and had an excellent history and society teacher. So when I went to high school, I took part into one European Youth Parliament session and even took a voluntary EU course. I remember loving it.

When I applied to universities in the UK, I believe only three out of the six were politics related. The rest were economics and language related - I was accepted to study Economics and Turkish at the SOAS and not accepted to Oxford to study Turkish.

I then notoriously ended up in Newcastle and then Maastricht to study essentially EU politics. But then February this year I had that existential crisis, what do I want to do with my life? And journalism dawned on me. So I prepared to abandon EU and concentrate on other stuff, possibly write about the EU in a distant future when I'd be experienced enough to be hired on the Economist.

So here I am in Cardiff, happily writing about loads of different stuff but at the same time keeping up EU as my hobby by writing the blog. On Twitter I started following the EU Commission's Representation in the UK, they started following me and even forwarded me their blog there.

So this Monday I was getting started to properly start finding my work experience placements. So I post a tweet about me trying to find them. The EU London Rep then tweeted me what kind of work experience I was looking for and I told them I'd like something to do with writing. They then ask me to send in my CV which I obviously did. And the next day they get back to me saying that they'd love to have me there!

So after somewhat abandoning any hope of ever working for the EU, they find me and ask me to work on what is essentially an ideal job! You have no idea how excited I was and still am.

It is a wonderful example of how social media is a whole new way of connecting people. I do a little happy dance about it especially as the only reason why they would have been interested in me was indeed my blog, so they must think it has some substance to it.

Yea so essentially my ego just grew exponentially. As if I needed that.

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