A lot will be going down this Thursday. Most significantly, my friend Laura will be turning 18. She's one of those people that I remember thinking were really young. She's Riikka's sister and I remember Minna visiting Riikka's place and telling me about little 10-year-old Laura. Seems like ages ago! The first time I properly got to meet Laura I remember thinking that she can't be Riikka's little sis, she's so mature and tall.
Nevertheless, Laura has been hanging out with us for years now, making me feel old. She will finally turn 18 and we can include her in all of our fun and games. Would be so lovely to be in Finland to celebrate it but suppose we just have to make up for it in December. I just hope that all of my darling friends know that it's the most difficult being abroad when my friends are feeling really down or celebrating some momentous achievement. I'd love to be there for you!
Aside from this glorious festivity, on Thursday my mom is going on a holiday. Not significant you think but I think it is pretty wicked. She's going with a friend of hers, on a girlie holiday in what must be the first time since 1997. So kudos to mom!
Most fun for me will be of course Suvi coming to Cardiff. The most amazing friend ever will come and visit me once again and we get to experience all fun UK-stuff again! Yey! We'll even have a thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, organised by Mark.
On Saturday my grandma is going on a holiday which I found out she only booked yesterday. Such a globe-trotting family I have!
I'm looking forward to this weekend, I think it should be joyous on all accounts. Though I bet I just jinxed it here.