Who would have known that my uneventful summer in Lohja could turn out as fun as it has. I stick to my previous statements that not much has happened but overall it has been so pleasant throughout. I spend my days sitting in front of my computer, typing occasionally. My word count is currently at 7,786 and I have just started working on the case study. So it's going on smoothly, nice enough considering that I fully intend to send it to Maastricht on Monday.
And then after I'm done pretending to work I join Minna and the girls and we hang out together. We play boardgames, go for a walk, ride around town checking people out or go the cinema. I'm loving it! Tonight we're going to see Harry Potter! Yesterday we were in Helsinki by coincidence at the same time as James and Oliver Phelps, the boys who play Weasley twins who were there to promote the film. I caught a glimpse of one of them. Incredible, I'm practically famous.
Sadly enough we have heard nothing of the saskatoon job, the woman promised to inform us when the job would start but we're assuming either the entire harvest was crap or she decided not to employ us... Fingers crosses we'll hear something about it later but not impressed by her thus far.
Aside from ongoing pleasantness, nothing much has happened. Still planning trips but as they are still in planning phase I choose not to talk about them, it always seems to jinx them. On August 20th I am however going on a cruise with some friends from Maastricht. That is going to be wicked! And then next weekend a friend of mine who I met at Cambridge Model European Council in 2007 is going to visit Finland. That is übercool because he studies Finnish! It's almost supernatural meeting people who study the language but have not lived in Finland nor are dating a Finnish person. Also to add to his coolness, he loves the Eurovision. There aren't many of us in the world so we must present a united front.
On this positive note I go back to writing about European chemicals directive.
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