Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Time flies

I can remember when me and Jenny booked the flights to Florida sometime in September -07. The trip was almost 9 months away. Today there's only four days separating us from the hot and humid airs of Florida. In a very unlikely move, I still haven't booked the hotel for our stay in Orlando but hopefully we will figure something out. Otherwise we've got some brilliant (I hope) hotels booked thanks to the help of internet.

Time has also flown over the past month or so. I've been in and out of Finland, during my latest stint I organised daddy's 50th birthday party that came as a surprise to him. Honestly, I still don't know how we managed to keep the whole thing as a secret. But he was so surprised and the party was really good. The 70s theme worked out really well, all the oldies were into it.

I also accepted the offer from Maastricht University so I'll be starting a MA in European Studies there on August 29th. They only require my to obtain a BA, not specifying any degree classsification so I'm pretty sure I'm in. So now I'm on the look for a place in Maastricht. I want a place in the centre, and preferably my own place. Realistically I will probably have to share again but I can always hope.

Yesterday me and Jenny went to Seaburn, by the seaside in Sunderland. It was really nice neighbourhood, I really loved it. I also managed to burn my cheeks, how odd is that. We saw jellyfish which were really cool because they were royal blue coloured and Jenny made me touch one. We also went to dip our feet into the water so now I can say I've been in one more sea, yey. And when we were having our fish and chips, daddy called me and said I got a job in Finland. I'll be working with Kiinteistomaailma for August for this really cool project. It'll be actually doing meaningful stuff instead of just copying files and routine work so I am very exited. It may also involve travelling around Finland, way cool.

So all is well. I won't have to stay in Newcastle and the haunted house for long, will get to go to Florida, come back to Finland and then head to our European adventure and then come back again to Finland to earn some money before I head yet again to live in another country. Four countries in four years, pretty cool.

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