Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Leave with a bang

The anticipation of eurovision very succesfully drew away the attention from the fact that I will be leaving Maastricht on saturday. In fact, my parents and my sister will join me here in Maas tomorrow for a few days; after which we will start our drive back to Finland.

So the days leading to Eurovision were spent very succesfully, meeting up with my friends every single day. There was the gala which was a lot of fun, I've been told. I "lost track of time" once we got there. And then Eurovision was also a success. But then it hit me that I'm leaving so I'm not really sure how I feel. Yesterday I took a day off so to say and stayed home aside from seeing Star Trek at the cinema.

Today I've organised to go out with a group of my friends and have a drink or two before my family arrives. So hopefully this night will be a lot fun and won't turn into a sad goodbye, not the way I want to go. But admittedly I have never been this sad to leave a place. So many nice people here. Though, granted, the likelihood is that I'll cross paths with most of them later on in life when we all will proceed to take over Europe and the world.

Plans back in Finland include hanging out with the girls, meeting up with all my friends that I have not seen for months and so forth. I'm even organising a reunion for my elementary school people in July. Sometime over the summer I should fit in visits to Outi in Cyprus, holidays with Minna, holidays with Suvi, visiting Silvia in Italy and so forth. Where on earth will I get the money is beyond me but perhaps I'll get so many stories published that I'll be able to live off that. Hah!

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