Sunday, 3 May 2009

How it all went down ... literally

So yesterday was one eventful day. I was a bit upset so Barbara invited me to her place for some fun time. I had a lovely time with her and Marius. Then things got exciting. We were waiting for the bus and decided to play hopscotch to pass the time. I go last and with my enthusiasm I really go for it with speed and end up head first on the ground. I didn't even realise at first that I was bleeding but then it becomes apparent. Barby and Marius take me back home, Barby cleans the wound and even makes me drink water with sugar to prevent the shock. Love her, a proper angel.

We then take the bus to town (quicker than getting a taxi to Smeermaas) and on our way Barbara tries to keep we awake and talking, and I just try to breathe. She asked me when I was born to determine how sane I am and I could not remember for the life of me when I was born! You have no idea how scary that was. I could not remember who some people she was talking about were and when we finally get to the hospital I couldn't remember my home address. I like to think I was calm and I think I did all that I could at that point but I was pretty worried when I was forgetting things.

We were then received by a Dutch doctor who did not really speak English that well. She first tried to apparently tie my hair to close the wound (Barby was holding my hair and witnessed this) but then resulted to glueing it shut. Yes, apparently this is the new alternative to stitches. Finally she did her thing and gave us a note that had all the instructions. Too bad it was in Dutch. Nevertheless, Barby had to come and stay at my place because I needed to be woken up every hour to check that I'm still up and running and not taking a turn for the worse.

We then take a taxi home, on the way there I hear Turkey's entry to Eurovision this year and I mention it to Barbara who sighs of relief because apparently that is a sign that I'm getting back to normal. We get home, settle down on the couch. I was still nauseous and couldn't get much sleep before 4am but then me and Barby both fall asleep and wake up at 6am to check I'm still among the living. And then around 9am Kalina comes and Barby can go home and rest. Kalina kept me company all day, got me food and provided some TLC. And then when Kalina went home Francesco came by to say hi.

So apart from my disgusting hair that will remain disgusting for a week before I can wash it, good things have come out of it. All my friends are showing how lovely they are and really love is in the air, they're so amazing. And I know never to play children's games anymore, I'm officially too old.

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