I've picked berries, managed to finish my thesis, got allocated to my first choice of accommodation in Cardiff, hosted a friend in Lohja and booked a holiday to Crete with Minna and Suvi. Tomorrow I'm heading off to Linnanmäki with Suvi who offered me free tickets and food there. These are just the main events of all the nice things that have happened in the past few weeks. It's been so wonderful that I've now started envisioning the worst case scenarios that could burst my bubble. Thankfully my mother in her great wisdom pointed out that after probably the worst spring we've ever had ( my parents are getting divorced and the events leading to that accumulated throughout spring, making it somewhat unpleasant to say the least) this might be the start of something nice.
Every night we've had our friends over and we've done something fun. Anne, Riikka, Laura, Jenna and Minna are simply amazing. Like Bryn - my visitor from the island - said, it is wonderful that I've found such a marvellous group of people here in Lohja. Also my darling little one, Suvi, has been a constant source of joy throughout the summer. She even agreed to quit her job a week in advance so she can join Minna and me on a trip to Crete on the last week of August. Amazing.
Before heading off to Crete I've got to practise my shorthand which is surprisingly nice and easy. I also need to stress about the results of my thesis and whether Kela will grant me money for studying in Cardiff - reference to worst case scenario mentioned before. And I will also head off to a cruise with Iiris, Uschi and Tuuli, my friends from Maastricht in a few weeks. So all things wicked cool.
If I pass with my thesis - no matter what the grade -and get money from Kela I will be the happiest girl on earth. It's truly scary, how could I ever top that off?