Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Spinster for life!

I read romantic novels, you know those cheesy women's pocket books for which some less discreet names exist. I read one or two before I go to bed (I read really quickly) in order to blank out my mind before bedtime. But tonight I was reading "Kept by the Spanish Billionaire" I came across a paragraph that I just have to share with the world:
"Four hours later, Rafael had to admit that he was enjoying himself. As novel experiences went, spending time in the company of a woman [the heroine of the book in question] who had no particular interest in the news, no knowledge of the opera, little experience of the theatre and an unhealthy interest in reality television was an eye opener. There was no intellectual conversation about the state of the country, the world economy, and, certainly in the case of Elizabeth [the boring, recently dumbed ex of the hero], the frustrations of the American legal system."

Oh well, guess I'll just get back to writing my thesis then. No need for beauty sleep as there are slim chances any man might ever stay awake through a conversation with me, let alone be attracted to me... :D Priceless.

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