Saturday, 28 March 2009

It's all about timing

Procrastination. I learned the concept and the word when I in high school, doing the IB (which in this case means International Baccalaureate and not International Business and will forever in my mind be associated more with high school than with snotty economics people though similarities are sometimes striking) and since then it has stayed with me. Next week I have a group paper due for which I should be working as I type, a take-home exam for which I should be - not revising but reading for the first time - the material the course has covered and another paper about policy evaluation due. In addition I should seek direction in my life and look for jobs and maybe, just maybe work on my thesis. But me being me and thriving under last-minuteness, I have spent today doing the following:

- I woke up at 11.30am and went to the library. At the library I researched for EuroMUN which is a month away and therefore not really high up on my list of priorities, especially as it essentially doesn't count towards grades, credits or anything else. And I also chatted with Kalina.

- I then gave up the pretense of getting anything done there and came home to chat with Suvi, helped her find information on the exchange possibilities at her university. I suppose it is pretty impressive that I can find information in languages that I don't even speak but nevertheless, this helped Suvi but did not really contribute to shortening my to do list.

- I then tried on some outfits for the EuroMUN conference. Again, a month away but at least I have an outfit and shoes to match already picked out.

- After this I chatted with my sister and hearing her talk of ice-cream I developed craving for some so I ventured outside. In the rain I might add. I had been hoping for rain, as it makes it funnier to watch people cross the bridge outside, especially as it was really windy as well today. But obviously it rained when I went outside. I did get the irony though and was laughing my way to the store, making myself look like an idiot to whoever might have caught a glimpse of my crazy grin.

- Then I decided to finally start watching Gossip Girl. After all the jokes about me being one I thought I might as well do research on what it is all about. And now I'm addicted.

- So as it is already tomorrow, past midnight I mean, I predict myself staying up a few more hours watching a few episodes and then getting up in the morning (early as I'm meant to meet my group for the paper), cursing my decadent slacker ways for not getting more sleep.

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