Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Gossip girl

If only this blog would be anynomous, the posts I cold write and gossip that could be here... But I am very aware of the fact that anyone can read it and do self-censor myself. So in case you've been wondering of the scandal freeness of this space (which I'm sure has never crossed anyone's mind but amuse me) it's due to my megalomaniac tendencies and a consequence of my desire to rule Europe and pre-prevent any tabloid headlines. ;)

Above is a picture of Silvia, Kalina's flatmate. She's Italian and studies in Trento University. The same one Triin was on exchange at and I visited last November. Small world. Anyway, their house is amazing. The people living there, all eight international students, are really cool. Can't wait for the exams to be over so I can go there more often and they can feed me. ;)

Not that there's much happening. The Big Exam is next Monday and everybody is studying for it. I'm even on a self-imposed no-drinking-or-partying ban until then. So I just spend my days pretending to study. So far it's actually pretty limited, I get tired after one article and then just tune in to MTV and watch quality shows such as Made or Pimp My Ride.

Also, I'm desperately looking for a word in English for myötähäpeä. It's such a good word, let me know if you know of it.

Uuuh, and I have decided to visit Newcastle before Christmas. I'm taking Kalina with me and Triin will be showing us around Ncl nightlife. Yey, dancing!

Friday, 10 October 2008


As you can tell from the frequency of my postings, I've been busy lately. Nothing major, just meeting friends and studying. The latter hasn't truly occupied my time as much as it should have but I'm trying to make up for it by cramming in as much as possible during the weekend.

Thankfully there are some lovely people here to keep me sane. The academic side of Maastricht hasn't improved. It is - so far - below par. I've had lectures that felt like high school, lectures that started by the lecturer saying that what he says isn't going to be examined, begging the question why we are there (and no, it wasn't educational or fascinating on its own right) and the most recent lecture was held by a person who spoke bad English, clearly had stage fright and lectured about such a boring and insignificant topic that several people, including me, left during the break. To add to the overall suckyness, the core readings are horrible. Mostly written by people who I've never heard of (and I have studied politics for three years in two different universities in two different countries) and who are mostly Dutch, the texts are occasionally so badly written that even people like me who are perfectly fluent in English struggle to understand anything...

But I'm not despaired. The economy may be failing and studies suck but so far parties keep on coming and I can still rely on having such an amazing group of people here so overall I'm content.